Thursday, December 3, 2009

An owl-rific challenge

Robyn, over at Daisy Quilts put up a challenge for her viewers to take part in. She posted a photo of a cute little owl, named Otto, that she made, and we have to make up our own version of it. I couldn't resist, so I made one for the challenge. So, here is my Lil Otto. He's a funny little guy, so feel free to laugh. :-) Not that great of photos, just so you know. If I can get better ones, I'll put them up here.

Hope you like him. :-) And thanks, Robyn, for a fun challenge.


  1. Oh Andrea, I'm so glad you enjoyed making your Lil Otto.... he is absolutely adorable!!
    Way to go!!! Wooohoo!!

    ..and thanks for sharing :D

  2. Awwww Andrea I think he is pea pickin' cuteeee
    Prim Huggs n Blessins

  3. Oh he is cute.. I didn't think of wings until after I'd finished mine LOL :) Awesome owl!!

  4. He is soooo cute... love the wings and the eyes

  5. Your version of Otto the owl is so cute! I like your added wings.
