On Wednesday, down in Sydney they had a really bad dust storm. Well that day, we had strong winds here in Queensland, and the dust storm came up this way. It was amazing how it all happened so quickly. I took a few photos of it until the batteries in my camera died. But here are a few I did take as happened.
This was taking kind of near the start of it all, although the dust storm was worse down in the city which is south of us.
This I took standing in our driveway looking down the street. Starting to look orangey now.
This is looking out our bedroom window. The hill in the background is just starting to slowly disappear from view.
Taken out the same window just a while later. You can certainly see the change between the 2.
I took this photo a moment ago so you could see what the view is supposed to look like.
They say we are supposed to have another dust storm over the weekend, so we'll see.